We have been selected to join Bpifrance CLUB EXCELLENCE

[Acknowledgement] BioMAdvanced Diagnostics has been selected to join the very selective Bpifrance CLUB EXCELLENCE. 🚀 Among the 200,000 companies supported by Bpifrance, only 2,000 companies, including startups, small and medium-size companies (PME), and intermediary size companies (ETI), have been chosen.

“In 2022, joining this prestigious Club was beyond our imagination. We are honored to be part of this influential community, and we look forward to the opportunities for growth and collaboration ahead ” says Frédéric Pette, our CEO.

As stated by Bpifrance, in this exclusive Club, each co-opted member represents entrepreneurial excellence, a commitment to continuous improvement, and a positive impact.

Bpifrance CLUB EXCELLENCE objectives :

– Expand members’ business through targeted networking opportunities.

– Enhance their leadership skills and visionary outlook through engaging exchange sessions and inspiring testimonials.

– Stay ahead of business trends more rapidly and effectively.

– Tackle challenges related to their business through the expertise and insights provided by their experts and contents (DEMAIN and Bpifrance Le Lab).

– Enjoy close proximity to Bpifrance and priority consideration for their submissions.